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February 14, 2024

Prepare for Wet and Hurricane Season with Fluid-Transfer Pumps

Synergy Equipment is dedicated to ensuring that you are prepared for every situation, including the quickly approaching wet and hurricane season. Our team is here to help you eliminate flooding with our fleet of high-volume fluid-transfer pumps. Here’s everything you need to know about preparing for wet and hurricane season with fluid-transfer pumps:

Upcoming Hurricane Season

Each year, the Southern and Eastern United States are at risk of being hit by hurricanes that form in the Atlantic Ocean. When those hurricanes eventually hit land, they displace a ton of water. Fluid transfer pumps are used in high-volume hurricane areas to transfer displaced water out of the area. Prepare for hurricane season with the local, reliable and trusted support of Synergy Equipment.

Wet Season for Job Sites

Summer, spring and fall are wet seasons for the Southern United States. As the rain begins to fall and humidity begins to form in the air, it can make completing even simple tasks at job sites a much more difficult process. Since your uptime is our passion, Synergy Equipment is here to provide all of the pumps you need to keep your job site dry during the entire wet season.

A Pump Fit for Every Project

The Synergy Pump Division has the pumps you need to prevent flooding at your worksite and within your city with 24/7 support from our team. We have pumps that will move anywhere from 500 gallons per minute to 14,000 gallons per minute, with suction and discharge hose up to 12” and discharge pipe up to 60” in diameter.  Contact us today to experience the guaranteed expert support from Synergy Equipment this wet and hurricane season.

No matter how you choose to prepare for wet and hurricane season, it’s important to start planning as early as possible. Our team is here to work with your engineers to ensure that you have the right pumps to eliminate flooding completely. Want to learn more about how our pumps division can help you during wet and hurricane season? Check out our blog today!